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Looking for a therapist near you?

All therapists listed on this site have been trained by Maarten Oversier. These people have integrated the method of ancestral awareness into their working method.

Therapists trained by Maarten Oversier Maarten has phased out his work in practice and is no longer taking on new clients. His focus is on training coaches and therapists, giving lectures/workshops and his book Existence Law.

To cancel appointments that have already been made (within 48 hours), you can contact Rachel Hibma by email. For this reason it is unfortunately not possible to put you on a waiting list or to register for any appointments that become available. We therefore kindly ask you not to email whether an exception is possible.

For other therapists trained by Maarten, we refer you to the therapists below. Maarten does not advise which therapist is most suitable for you. The therapists themselves are responsible for the quality of the sessions offered. Intervision meetings are held regularly.

Therapist in Germany

Therapists in the Netherlands

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